SAYA Joins Richmond Hill High School Community Night


On Wednesday, September 26th, SAYA staff and youth participated in Richmond Hill High School’s (RHHS) annual Community Night. Through this event, RHHS and SAYA showcased their programming for community parents and youth. Below are reflections from one SAYA youth who attended:

”Richmond Hill High School’s (RHHS) annual Community Night was held on Thursday, September 26, 2018, from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. It was a great night for the Richmond Hill community to come out and see what our school is like. Families and students from Richmond Hill, along with students from other schools, gathered together as one. Community night also provided SAYA a chance to let people know they can join their many clubs, such as Anime Club, Arista, Leadership, Robotics, and much more. During the event, RHHS and the SAYA staff spoke about academic pathways, available clubs, and looking forward to college and securing ways to get scholarships. Volunteers like myself attended to support SAYA and to encourage students to join. The evening was a great success, and hopefully many more students will get involved in the school community and the many activities SAYA has to offer!”
- Mohamed
