SAYA Youth Visit the Offices of Oliver Wyman


On Friday, July 27th, youth participating in our Summer programming visited the offices of Oliver Wyman, a global management consulting firm. This visit was organized by Zoomjodo, a career initiative for students and recent graduates. At Oliver Wyman, youth learned about the consulting industry as a whole, and the career opportunities open to them within it. Below are some reflections from those youth:

Going to Oliver Wyman was a phenomenal experience. They had a presentation prepared where they taught us about networking. I found that very interesting because, as rising seniors, we need to learn to communicate better with people around us to develop relationships. We also created an “elevator pitch,” which covers quick facts about ourselves that we would like to convey when meeting a new person. This is a helpful skill because soon we will start going on job interviews, and it’s important to have a foundation we can build on as the conversation proceeds. Finally, we had to work on a case, where a client dealt with declining revenue. We had to figure out why, and come up with solutions to fix the problem. The experience helped us to figure out what we would like to do in the future, and to reflect on ourselves.  
- Sharmila

Last Friday, we went to visit Oliver Wyman, which is an international management consulting firm with a large focus on banking and financial services. There we learned more about the firm, as well as the consulting as a career. After watching a presentation made by some of the consultants, we took part in an activity and had to solve a client scenario that consultants deal with a lot. This trip opened my eyes to a career that is often overlooked. Consultants work behind the scenes of companies, solving problems to help increase their clients’ profit. The visit made me understand the importance of thinking through all possible solutions to a problem, and then identifying the solution that works best. This trip was very enjoyable.
- Ketia

This trip was a fantastic experience. I learned so much new information! The people we met were really nice, and thoroughly explained what their job deals with. I found it very interesting that they complete so many projects and get to travel to many different places as part of their jon. It is a very complicated process to get a job like this, and you need a lot of internships and experience. But at the end, this kind of work is worth it.
- Manisha